Thursday, May 14, 2009

RIght or Wrong?

I was invited to a party. I didn't go because I knew that I would be put in a regretable situation. I never want to be put in a situation where there are people doing illegal actions. For example, at a party, if there is alcohol, everyone is guilty whether or not they were actually drinking. This, or a similar situation would most likely de-rail my future. With any kind of illegal background, jobs are increasingly hard to find. 

Since I want to go into the FBI or CSI, I cannot have any illegal offenses. Having one such offense would end my career before it starts. An offense would make me work a boring desk job, instead of something interesting and that I enjoy. It is for this reason I like to stay inside, or with my own group of friends who don't go out and do anything stupid. 

By not going to this party I preserved my future, and kept my chances alive to have a job that I will enjoy. Going to parties where there is drugs and alcohol is stupid and asking to be arrested. For these reasons, I will never attend one. 

Friday, May 8, 2009


Terrorists have no rights. They deserve to be tortured. They were placed in prison for endangering and or taking American lives. Thus, we are well within our grounds to torture and or kill them. An eye for an eye is a fair system. You take a life, you die. It is quite simple. Terrorists are the lowest form of life on the plant Earth. They try to kill hundreds of people based on religious differences. They deserve nothing, and they get nothing. They get what they deserve for killing people. In my eyes, torture is only fair. Our soldiers know that if they get captured, they will be tortured. We need to instill that fear into our opposition as well. Terrorists are the scum of the earth and deserve whatever they get.


The term literally means in the real world, without sarcasm, or seriously. I will always never use the word literally in a sentence. There is such a disparity in the way I say things sarcastically and seriously that I never find it needed. My friends know me well enough to know when I'm being serious or just joking around. My friends may use the term in everyday life, but I never do. The term "literally" has no space in my vocabulary and most likely never will. Thus, I don't use it. 

Monday, March 30, 2009

A day in the life of the slipper

"Ello there. I am just a shoe. Just a humble slipper. My home is in a closet in Chipping Norton, England. I am rarely worn, only used for Sunday morning drives to the Shoppes. It is a pain, really.  Gas, clutch, brake. I get incredibly disoriented; then before you know it, I am mashed into the carpet, traveling at warp speed. My master is Jeremy Clarkson. He is of the fame of Top Gear. I have never attended the show, which is quite a drag. However, living with this wonderful man is quite glorious. However, his closet is dark and smelly.

         I do, however, appreciate him. He rescued me from those idiots in Foot Locker. With all of those flashy, high-topped basketball shoes and all of those “cool kids” buying those stupid flat brimmed hats. He treats me with absolute kindness, I am always by his bedside, ready and waiting.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Prayer to the Tech Department about macs


Please stop using macs. PC's are far superior in every facet. On a mac, ALL windows office applications are incredibly slow and contain many glitches. For example; it is near impossible to open up Microsoft Word with out getting the Spinning Ball of Death (SBOD). This is not only frustrating, but time consuming. I have missed chunks of biology notes because of the SBOD, and my grades reflect that; as they aren't very good. PC's on the other hand, run Microsoft Office seamlessly. Yet another advantage of PCs is that they are far cheaper. For instance, a dell studio 13' laptop with 50% more RAM (6gb vs 4 gb) the same exact intel processor, and a 320 gb hd vs a 250 gb hd. The Dell rings in at 1,324 vs the Mac at 1,599. That is $200 per laptop less for the Dell. Figuring our school educates about 1,000 people, that is a savings of 200,000! All for a better performing laptop! Therefore, PC's are better than Macs.