There is no comparison between Gears of War 2 and Call of Duty: World at War. Gears of War 2 (abbreviated as GOW) is a vastly superior game to Call of Duty (abbreviated as COD). The close range battle system in GOW is at least a 10 fold better. GOW is also 100x more realistic than COD. When it comes down to it, GOW is far and away the better game.
GOW has a much better close range system. In COD you get one main gun, and a pistol. Now, imagine you are playing as a sniper. You have a 0% chance of winning the battle unless your opponent is a sniper or you get a lucky kill or can get within super close range and use his knife, something that has about a 10% chance of happening. In GOW, every character is equipped with an assault rifle, shotgun, and a pistol. You may be thinking, in a close range situation, the shotgun wins every time right? Wrong. The assault rifle has a chainsaw bayonet. Even though the shotgun is more powerful, if the player with the assault rifle times his moves correctly, the shotgun player will stand no chance and be sliced in half with tons of blood flying everywhere. It is the greatest thing you can do in all of video games. In GOW close quarters combat really is 50% to 50%, as well as more fun.
GOW is also incredibly realistic. In COD, unless a headshot is achieved, there is no blood. In GOW, there is an over abundance of blood and screaming. In GOW, there is the ability to take cover and protect yourself. In COD, you can only find random things and hope that when you crouch, your head isn't exposed. However, 90% of the time, the "cover" isn't tall enough and you get destroyed by a sniper. In GOW, you get no special abilities. In COD, you can choose what special attributes your character receives. He can be ultra conditioned, carrying 2 grenades, carrying extra ammo, get extra bullet damage, or everyones favorite, have more health. That is just to name a few. He can also unlock more and better guns for use. In COD, the playing field is never even. In GOW, everyone is given the same tools to succeed and everyone is equally capable.